One week ago, I came back from NATS Colombia, where for firts time in my whole AIESEC life, I lived a take over, and it was mine as incoming...YEA!!!
The two great moments were, the firts doing bunging jumping in San Gil, a small town at the northeast of Colombia (I hope Alejo Pereira can convert the video to digital media) ... the second one, it was when Ivancho, my MCP, says to the plenary the name of the team's roles and I realized that I'm MCVP and any more a support area. That was an amazing felling because it was one of my personal challenges for the year, and now it is done.

I'm so happy with my team, Juank my desk matte makes me smile every time, and now that Lala is in Colombia we are complete. Serge with his new image is a huge inspiration for all of us whom want to increase our impact and influence...hahahaha... Serge we love you, hahahaha. Been is almost like my twin, except for our external appearance. And Pipe is full of crazy grandmother’s phrases and that is source of fun always. At last but not least, Ivan, he is the leader that someone could dream.
Well, I really pleased to be here in Colombia, my country, living this experience. The first challenges and the first successes had come to the playground… and I’m an excited player.